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as "%1" using simple bind <Simple bind returned '%1' dLogging in as "%1" in domain "%2" using SSPI dSSPI "bind with supplied creds" returned '%1' TLogging in as current user using SSPI \SSPI "bind as current user" returned '%1' XThe command has completed successfully `A memory error has occurred in the program TInvalid Parameter: Bad argument '%1' `Invalid Parameter: filename must follow -f dInvalid Parameter: server name must follow -s `Invalid Parameter: szRootDN must follow -d `Invalid Parameter: szFilter must follow -r XInvalid Parameter: scope must follow -p LInvalid Parameter: Invalid Scope lInvalid Parameter: Requires 'From DN' and 'To DN' dInvalid Parameter: attributes must follow -l pInvalid Parameter: Duplicate Credentials Definition lInvalid Parameter: Requires username and password Invalid Parameter: Requires username, domainname and password TAn error has occurred in the program `Invalid Parameter: Input file name required XInvalid Parameter: Server name required lInvalid Parameter: RootDn not required for import lInvalid Parameter: Filter not required for import lInvalid Parameter: Scope not required for import dInvalid Parameter: attributes must follow -o Invalid Parameter: SAM Logic cannot be turned on for import tInvalid Parameter: Omit List not required for import |Invalid Parameter: Attribute List not required for import Invalid Parameters: Ignore binary setting not applicable for import Invalid Parameters: Span Multiple Lines not applicable for import hInvalid Parameters: RootDn required for export hInvalid Parameters: Filter required for export Invalid Parameters: Skip Exist setting not applicable for export  LDIF Directory Exchange General Parameters ================== -i Turn on Import Mode (The default is Export) -f filename Input or Output filename -s servername The server to bind to (Default to DC of computer's domain) -c FromDN ToDN Replace occurences of FromDN to ToDN If either FromDN or ToDN ends with #attributeName, the attribute value will be looked up in rootDSE and used to replace #attributeName. See example for "Macro expansion in DNs". -v Turn on Verbose Mode -j path Log File Location -t port Port Number (default = 389) -u Use Unicode format -w timeout Terminate execution if the server takes longer than the specified number of seconds to respond to an operation (default = no timeout specified) -h Enable SASL layer encryption -? Help Export Specific =============== -d RootDN The root of the LDAP search (Default to Naming Context) -r Filter LDAP search filter (Default to "(objectClass=*)") -p SearchScope Search Scope (Base/OneLevel/Subtree) -l list List of attributes (comma separated) to look for in an LDAP search -o list List of attributes (comma separated) to omit from input. -g Disable Paged Search. -m Enable the SAM logic on export. -n Do not export binary values -x Include deleted objects (tombstones) Import ====== -k The import will go on ignoring 'Constraint Violation' and 'Object Already Exists' errors -y The import will use lazy commit for better performance (enabled by default) -e The import will not use lazy commit -q threads The import will use the specified number of threads (default is 1) -z Continue importing irrespective of errors. Credentials Establishment ========================= Note that if no credentials is specified, LDIFDE will bind as the currently logged on user, using SSPI. -a UserDN [Password | *] Simple authentication -b UserName Domain [Password | *] SSPI bind method Example: Simple import of current domain ldifde -i -f INPUT.LDF Example: Simple export of current domain ldifde -f OUTPUT.LDF Example: Export of specific domain with credentials ldifde -m -f OUTPUT.LDF -b USERNAME DOMAINNAME * -s SERVERNAME -d "cn=users,DC=DOMAINNAME,DC=Microsoft,DC=Com" -r "(objectClass=user)" Example: Macro expansion in DNs ldifde -f export.ldf -c "#configurationNamingContext" "cn=configuration,dc=x" ldifde -i -f import.ldf -c "cn=configuration,dc=x" "#configurationNamingContext" @Unable to open error file. HExporting directory to file %1 <Searching for entries... DError creating temporary file DError opening temporary file $Search Failed 4Writing out entries%0 8LDAP search error: '%1' DError reading temporary file lExport Completed. Post-processing in progress... 8%1!d! entries exported DError writing to output file <Error getting DN of entry 4Error writing to file 0Exporting entry: %1 @Error opening output file. 8Organizing Output file ,Attribute %1) %2: dError writing to file UNPRINTABLE BINARY(%1) @Syntax error in input file. `InvaLid number of attributes in input file. PImporting directory from file "%1" TEntry already exists, entry skipped `Attribute or value exists, entry skipped. XConstraint Violoation, entry skipped (Unknown Option @Add error on line %1!d!: %2 HEntry modified successfully. TMember attribute cannot be modified. T%1!d! entries modified successfully. H1 entry modified successfully. ,No Entries found DError reading attribute list <DN Attribute not defined LobjectClass Attribute not defined 0Invalid HEX String <Error opening append file hSyntax error in input file. Inconsistent values <Error opening input file ,Loading entries%0 pLine Concatenation trailed by non null characters 8Unable to open log file <Unable to open error file dInvalid Parameter: Port number must follow -t PError occured during initialization @Stream error on output file HFailed to write to tempory file Failed on line %1!d!. The last token starts with '%2!c!'. T%1!d! entries modified successfully. pInvalid Parameter: Log File Location must follow -j 8 Resource free failed XObject does not exist, entry skipped 4Error during loading , Parsing Failed <An exception has occurred HYou have called LL_init again. 8File operation failure @You have not called LL_init `You have reached the end of the input file \There is a syntax error in the input file LError accessing URL you provided dExtraneous attribute name in a mod_spec list ,LDAP call failed xBoth strings and bervals in multi-values of single attr (Internal Error Program failed during initialization. The SAM option is only supported on NT Directories pMultiple instances of one attribute in -o omit list 4Undefined Error Code `A parameter has been defined more than once PInvalid Parameter: No DC Available The server side error is: 0x%1!x! %2 The extended server error is: %3 xInvalid Parameter: -g option not available under import Entry already a member of the local group, entry skipped H1 entry modified successfully. 4The error code is %1 PFailed on token '%1' on line %2!d! \Entry with no attributes, entry skipped Paging support not available from the server, paging will be disabled. @Type the password for %1:%0 The input password is too long. LDIFDE only supports a maximum password length of 256. The default naming context cannot be found. Using NULL as the search base. Export with SAM logic cannot be enabled for the specified server, a normal export will be performed. Invalid Parameters: Lazy Commit setting not applicable for export Lazy commit support not available on the server, lazy commit will be disabled. Invalid Parameter: Duplicate or conflicting lazy commit options specified DThe operation has timed-out. Invalid Parameter: -w must be followed by a positive integer Invalid Parameter: Thread setting not applicable for export tInvalid Parameter: Number of threads must follow -q. Invalid Parameter: Number of threads specified must be no more than %1!d!. \Unable to initialize threads for import. Invalid Parameter: Number of threads specified must be greater than 0. One or more threads were unable to connect. Continuing with %1!d! remaining thread(s). Unable to initialize some threads for import. Continuing with %1!d! remaining thread(s). PUnable to read the import file %1. xThe change-modify entry is missing the terminator '-'. `Unable to enable SASL layer encryption: %1. No log files were written. In order to generate a log file, please specify the log file path via the -j option. XUnable to set schema upgrade flag: %1. <Verifying file signature hFailed to verify file signature: error 0x%1!x!. pFailed to expand the macro '%1' in '%2': rc=%3!d!. Failed to set up DN replacement for schema upgrade: rc=%1!d!. 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All rights reserved.? OriginalFilenameldifde.libo'ProductNameADAM Active Directory Application Mode@ProductVersion1.1.3790.3959DVarFileInfo$TranslationPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD